Golden Corral Headquarters HQ Office Address, Phone Number, Email ID

Golden Corral headquarters HQ, mailing and postal office address is given with the Golden Corral contact telephone number, fax number and email address. Golden Corral headquarters HQ and customer service department provides help and support to the customers during the working hours and after business hours through emails, phones and online. Various customers are looking for Golden Corral address or customer service phone number of Golden Corral, Golden Corral toll free phone number, customer support contact number and helpline number of Golden Corral.

If you want to more information about trendy range of Golden Corral products and services including Golden Corral headquarters HQ office and customer service number, 24 hours phone number of Golden Corral, addresses of Golden Corral. So you can call their customer service team and call centre to receive a prompt resolution related issue you might have.

Here listed Golden Corral Phone Number, to be able to contact Golden Corral headquarters HQ and customer care department. You can contact the Golden Corral Customer Support at the following Golden Corral Contact Number to get information about your Golden Corral Product or to receive help regarding any Golden Corral Support you may need.

Golden Corral Headquarters HQ Office Contact Details

Golden Corral mailing / postal and corporate office address, Golden Corral toll free number, customer care service helpline number, corporate headquarters HQ office address of Golden Corral, customer support number and email id is given with official web page links, social profiles, ratings and reviews.

Golden Corral Customer Service Phone Number:

  • W-2 Hotline Information: Click here or 1-919-881-4465

Above maintained number is not toll free helpline number of Golden Corral. So, the users will be charged with normal calling rates. The telephonic customer support number of Golden Corral is available during the working hours.

Golden Corral Customer Service Email ID: Click here

This is the customer support email id of Golden Corral. Golden Corral email support is available 24 x 7 and you can expect their reply within 24 hours.

Golden Corral Headquarters HQ Office Address and Contact Numbers:

This is the physical, postal, payment and mailing office address of Golden Corral is listed below. Customers can contact to the company for any query to this address of Golden Corral.

Golden Corral Corporate Office Address: Golden Corral Corporation, 5151 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27612, United States

Golden Corral Corporate Office Phone Number: 1-919-781-9310

Golden Corral Corporate Office Fax Number: 1-919-881-4686

Golden Corral Corporate Office Email ID: Click here

Golden Corral Official Website:

Golden Corral Headquarters HQ Office

Golden Corral Social Profiles:

Golden Corral Online Help and Support Links:

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    My wife and I eat there on Saturday 7/22. We paid over 32 dollars for our meal and drinks. Had to wait for someone to seat us because we were instructed to wait by staff. Two other couples were seated before us even through we had paid before them. And after we got a table it took our waitress 10 min to get our drinks. Then she told us she was going on break and Chris would be taking care of us. Well who is Chris??? because he never showed up and when we asked for a refill the other staff always said them me get your server. And asked for a manager a young lady in a purple shirt came the table( after 15 min). I told her the issue she said ok ill get you a refill. She never apologized for bad service or talked about a gift card or a refund. I call that night and spoke to the manager and she told me ” will I wasn’t here so I cant do anything “. Then hung up!# What is going on at Golden Corral ? Call me at 4233141035

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    Gold correl is not a place where people should eat at in Shreveport I have videos why and how they are nasty and the GM is own youree drive in shreveport I will be filling a lost suite against this business they leave they fish out over night in the hall way area at night they sell food from the day before they rip is supposed to be cook not served not done at all I have got sick at this place more than once employees be own there phones get to leave work any time in come right back to work. Have a hold list of more stuff I can say but till I talk to someone own Monday are soon I will be trying to find away to make sure anyone in Shreveport will not eat at this place 3182729477

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    Connie Olding

    We had a horrible experience. We will not recommend this buffet to our friends. The food was cold an most of it looked like it had set out for a long period of time. The manager was told an he was not much help. The manager could have at least ask if we wanted our money back. So that we could have gone somewhere else. We will not eat again at the Lexington location.

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