Howard Johnson Headquarters HQ Office Address, Phone Number, Email ID

Howard Johnson Headquarters HQ, mailing and postal office address is given with the Howard Johnson contact telephone number, fax number and email address. Howard Johnson headquarters HQ and customer service department provides help and support to the customers during the working hours and after business hours through emails, phones and online. Various customers are looking for Howard Johnson address or customer service phone number of Howard Johnson, Howard Johnson toll free phone number, customer support contact number and helpline number of Howard Johnson.

If you want to more information about trendy range of Howard Johnson products and services including Howard Johnson headquarters HQ office and customer service number, 24 hours phone number of Howard Johnson, addresses of Howard Johnson. So you can call their customer service team and call centre to receive a prompt resolution related issue you might have.

Here listed Howard Johnson Phone Number, to be able to contact Howard Johnson headquarters HQ and customer care department. You can contact the Howard Johnson Customer Support at the following Howard Johnson Contact Number to get information about your Howard Johnson Product or to receive help regarding any Howard Johnson Support you may need.

Howard Johnson Headquarters HQ Office Contact Details

Howard Johnson mailing / postal and corporate office address, Howard Johnson toll free number, customer care service helpline number, corporate headquarters HQ office address of Howard Johnson, customer support number and email id is given with official web page links, social profiles, ratings and reviews.

Howard Johnson Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Number: 1-800-544-9881
  • US and Canada Customer Service Number: 1-800-221-5801

Above maintained number is not toll free helpline number of Howard Johnson. So, the users will be charged with normal calling rates. The telephonic customer support number of Howard Johnson is available during the working hours.

Howard Johnson Customer Service Email ID: Click here

This is the customer support email id of Howard Johnson. Howard Johnson email support is available 24 x 7 and you can expect their reply within 24 hours.

Howard Johnson Headquarters HQ Office Address and Contact Numbers:

This is the physical, postal, payment and mailing office address of Howard Johnson is listed below. Customers can contact to the company for any query to this address of Howard Johnson.

Howard Johnson Corporate Office Address: Wyndham Hotel Group, 22 Sylvan Way Parsippany, New Jersey, NJ 07054, United States

Howard Johnson Corporate Office Phone Number: 1-973-428-9700

Howard Johnson Corporate Office Fax Number: N/A

Howard Johnson Corporate Office Email ID: Click here

Howard Johnson Official Website:

Howard Johnson Headquarters HQ Office

Howard Johnson Social Profiles:

Howard Johnson Online Help and Support Links:


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    Howard Johnson in Lakeland Florida is dirty and their plumbing sucks. It backed up. The beds were dirty and had little dead bugs on them. The manager said he would call me back and he never did. I tried 3 times and left messages for him to call back and he didn’t. Don’t stay there

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    Jane L.

    We stayed at the Howard Johnson express in niagara falls. I thought maybe since it was a Howard Johnson it would be a nice hotel. I was very wrong.

    The bed was very uncomfortable. It was so old and misshapen. Like sleeping in a pot hole. I told them the bed was too soft and the only option they offered was to cancel the booking. The customer service was horrible. The tv was broken and the carpet was soaked in front of the dresser. Completely unacceptable room condition. I called a few local hotels and there wasnt much available and what was available the prices were ridiculous. I felt stuck as we had no where to go at 6 pm. The WiFi password was wrong on the sticker and I had to go down to the front desk…where he typed in the correct one. I complained again when we checked out and asked the manager Neha to call me and I’ve never had the courtesy of a return call. I’ve called 3 times and she can never come to the phone and will call me back. I feel this is unacceptable customer service. We will never stay there again.

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    Victor Ruiz

    We stayed at the Howard Johnson Inn located on 1010 S. Freeway Road Tucson Arizona 85745. The room we stayed in was #34 and it was dirty/ run down. It had black grease stains on the carpet in many locations and also the light shade was dirty with black grease stains. The ceiling had water damage cracks and water stains with the paint peeling away. The television was not working properly and the furniture was run down/ damaged. I would have thought Howard Johnson Inn would have taken better care of its’ room before releasing then to a customer!!!

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